Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ultrasound and labs

I had my first ultrasound and labs done today. Everything looks good and I was cleared to start the estrace tomorrow.

I'm focusing on eating healthy, getting moderate exercise, sleeping well and praying LOTS!

We're watching Survivor tonight and praying that we find out we're pregnant before the season is over.

Thank you for all of your kind comments on my previous blog.

Sending love,


Sunday, February 8, 2015

preparing for our FET

The month of January went by in a flash. We started the open adoption matching process with embryos through NEDC. I'm happy to share that we've been matched with two wonderful families and we couldn't be more excited to meet our frozen embryos in March. We should be signing the adoption papers with both couples early this upcoming week.

With our transfer a little over a month away, I'm going into hyper-drive to make sure that I'm getting as many nutritious foods and vitamins as possible. I cut out caffeine at New Year's (except for a few very tiresome mornings) but now I'm becoming diligent.

Here's my preparation plan for our FET in March.
  • Prenatal Vitamins 
  • Daily baby aspirin (per my doctor's orders.)
  • Organic Red Raspberry leaf tea -  1 to 2 cups a day leading up to our transfer day. 
  • Pomegranate Juice -  Up to 8 ounces a day leading up to transfer day.
  • Brazil Nuts - a handful a day after I get my final "period" before transfer. 
  • Nutrient Rich Food and Soups - as much as I can get daily. I prepare all of our food from scratch, and I'm lucky that my parent's raise grass fed beef. This week I'm making a flavorful Pho soup using bone broth I made this weekend and lots of fresh organic veggies and herbs. I've really been interested in nutrient rich broths since I read "Nourishing Traditions" a cookbook by Sally Fallon. Eating this way makes sense to me. Here is where I found the recipe for the broth I made this weekend.  
  • Bi/weekly acupuncture for fertility. Check out Groupon for really great deals. That's where I found mine. I was paying $78 per session, now I can get three sessions for $40.
  •  Gentle yoga daily - to get the blood flowing!
  • Daily walk - I have to walk into to work anyway.
  • Pineapple core - post transfer
  • Prayer, prayer, prayer! Ultimately this is all in God's hands and I am so grateful to our donor families and for all of the wonderful people who have helped us along the way. 
Any other suggestions that anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. Please pray for us!

Sending love:
